Notable Battles & Campaigns
OPERATION GINNY: The Most Significant Commando Raid of WWIIHardbound$5.95 $27.95
AMERICA VS. JAPAN: The Bloody War in the PacificDVD$5.95 $29.98
THE DAY OF BATTLE: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944Hardbound$6.95 $40.00
MARINE PIONEERS: The Unsung Heroes of World War IIHardbound$9.95 $29.95
DUNKIRKPaperbound$4.95 $16.99
RETREAT FROM LENINGRAD: Army Group North 1944/1945Hardbound$7.95 $24.95
EAST AFRICA CAMPAIGN 1940-41: Campaign 410Paperbound$17.95 $25.00
THE SILVER WATERFALL: How America Won the War in the Pacific at MidwayHardbound$7.95 $30.00
CAPTURED AT SINGAPORE: A Diary of a Far East Prisoner of WarHardbound$6.95 $42.95
BURMA VICTORY 1944-1945: Images of WarPaperbound$5.95 $28.95
HILL 112: The Key to Defeating Hitler in NormandyHardbound$6.95 $42.95
PHILIPPINES 1944: Air Campaign 50Paperbound$17.95 $25.00
40 THIEVES ON SAIPAN: The Elite Marine Scout-Snipers in One of WWII's Bloodiest BattlesPaperbound$6.95 $16.99
SUNDERLAND VS U-BOAT: Bay of Biscay 1943-44Paperbound$7.95 $23.00
LEYTE GULF: A New History of the World's Largest Sea BattlePaperbound$16.95 $22.00
AIRMEN OF ARNHEMHardbound$6.95 $42.95
ROCK FORCE: The American Paratroopers Who Took Back Corregidor and Exacted MacArthur's Revenge on JapanHardbound$6.95 $28.00
DESPERATE VALOUR: Triumph at AnzioHardbound$7.95 $35.00
NORMANDY: From Cotentin to Falaise, June-July 1944Hardbound$6.95 $45.00
NANJING 1937: Battle for a Doomed CityHardbound$6.95 $32.95
BLOCKING KAMPFGRUPPE PEIPER: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in the Battle of the BulgePaperbound$5.95 $24.95
FIGHTING SPIRIT: The Memoirs of Major Yoshitaka Horie and the Battle of Iwo JimaHardbound$5.95 $26.95
EVERY MAN A HERO: A Memoir of D-Day, the First Wave at Omaha Beach, and a World at WarHardbound$6.95 $26.99
THE D-DAY ATLAS: A Graphical Reconstruction of the Normandy CampaignPaperbound$6.95 $24.99
HITLER'S GREATEST DEFEAT: The German Collapse, 1944Paperbound$6.95
VICTORY IN EUROPE: From D-Day to the Destruction of the Third Reich, 1944-1945Hardbound$8.95 $29.95
A FROZEN HELL: The Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939-40Paperbound$5.95 $16.99
BISMARCK: 24 Hours to DoomPaperbound$6.95
THE BATTLE FOR KHARKOV 1941-1943: Images of WarPaperbound$5.95 $24.95
DEADLOCK BEFORE MOSCOW: Army Group Center, 1942/1943Hardbound$9.95 $34.95
THE FIRST VICTORY: The Second World War and the East Africa CampaignHardbound$7.95 $38.00
BETWEEN HOSTILE SHORES: Mediterranean Convoy Battles 1941-1942Paperbound$4.95
D-DAY: Code Name--OverlordBlu-ray$5.95
CHURCHILL'S SHADOW RAIDERS: The Race to Develop Radar, WWII's Invisible Secret WeaponPaperbound$5.95 $15.95
D-DAY--THE LONGEST DAY 6 JUNE 1944: The First 24 HoursHardbound$10.95 $24.95
THE DAY ROMMEL WAS STOPPED: The Battle of Ruweisat Ridge, 2 July 1942Paperbound$5.95 $22.95
THE MARINES IN WORLD WAR IIHardbound$6.95 $27.99
THE SAVAGE STORM: The Battle for Italy 1943Hardbound$11.95 $32.00
THE EAST POMERANIAN OFFENSIVE, 1945: Casemate IllustratedPaperbound$21.95 $28.95
THE BOMBER MAFIA: A Dream, A Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World WarPaperbound$4.95 $18.99
YUGOSLAVIA AND GREECE 1940-41: Air Campaign 48Paperbound$17.95 $25.00
ENGINEERING THE VICTORY: The Battle of the Bulge--A HistoryHardbound$11.95 $35.00
BLOODY VERRIERES, VOLUME II: The Defeat of Operation Spring and the Battles of Tilly-La-Campagne, 23 July-5 August 1944Hardbound$6.95 $37.95
TASK FORCE HOGAN: The World War II Tank Battalion That Spearheaded the Liberation of EuropeHardbound$7.95 $32.50
RETREAT THROUGH THE RHONE VALLEY: Defensive Battles of the Nineteenth Army, August-September 1944Hardbound$6.95 $32.95
SAVAGE SKIES, EMERALD HELL: The U.S., Australia, Japan, and the Ferocious Air Battle for New Guinea in World War IIHardbound$26.95 $34.95
STALINGRAD: The Vital 7 DaysHardbound$17.95 $24.95
CHURCHILL'S SHADOW RAIDERS: The Race to Develop Radar, WWII's Invisible Secret WeaponHardbound$5.95 $27.00
OPERATION DRAGOON: The Allied Liberation of the South of France, 1944Hardbound$6.95 $27.95
THE BALKANS, ITALY & AFRICA 1914-1918: The History of World War IPaperbound$9.95 $29.99
THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY: The Naval Institute Guide to the U.S. Navy's Greatest VictoryPaperbound$17.95 $25.95
TAKING PARIS: The Epic Battle for the City of LightsPaperboundPrice cut to $3.95 $19.00
PRICE FOR PEACE: From Pearl Harbor to NagasakiDVD$5.95
ROMANIA 1944: Campaign 404Paperbound$17.95 $25.00
OPERATION CHASTISE: The RAF's Most Brilliant Attack of World War IIPaperbound$6.95 $18.99
EASTERN FRONT IN WORLD WAR II: Hitler's Russian War in PhotographsPaperbound$9.95 $29.95
HITLER'S GREAT GAMBLE: A New Look at German Strategy, Operation Barbarossa, and the Axis Defeat in World War IIHardbound$7.95 $34.95
FRANTIC 7: The American Effort to Aid the Warsaw Uprising and the Origins of the Cold War, 1944Hardbound$7.95 $29.95
TAKING BERLIN: The Bloody Race to Defeat the Third ReichHardbound$7.95 $30.00
JAPAN'S INDIAN OCEAN RAID 1942: Campaign 396Paperbound$17.95 $25.00
BURMA '44: The Battle That Turned World War II in the EastHardbound$21.95 $30.00
THE MIGHTY MOO: The USS Cowpens and Her Epic World War II Journey from Jinx Ship to the Navy's First Carrier into Tokyo BayHardbound$26.95 $35.00
THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD THROUGH GERMAN EYES: The Death of the Sixth ArmyPaperbound$14.95 $19.99
THE LORRAINE CAMPAIGN, VOLUME 3: U.S. Army in World War IIHardbound$12.95 $29.95
BORNEO 1945: Campaign 406Paperbound$17.95 $25.00
OPERATION PEDESTAL: The Fleet That Battled to Malta, 1942Hardbound$9.95 $35.00
TAKING PARIS: The Epic Battle for the City of LightsHardbound$6.95 $30.00
HERO ON THE WESTERN FRONT: Discovering Alvin York's WWI BattlefieldHardboundPrice cut to $5.95 $29.95
BROTHERS DOWN: Pearl Harbor and the Fate of the Many Brothers Aboard the USS ArizonaHardbound$4.95 $30.00
D-DAY: Last WordsDVD$5.95
D-DAY COVER UP AT POINTE DU HOC, VOLUME 2HardboundPrice cut to $7.95 $39.95
HITLER VERSUS STALIN: The Eastern Front 1941-1942Paperbound$6.95 $24.95
ISLAND INFERNOS: The US Army's Pacific War Odyssey, 1944HardboundPrice cut to $21.95 $36.00
CHURCHILL'S HELLRAISERS: The Secret Mission to Storm a Forbidden Nazi FortressPaperbound$4.95 $16.95
THE ARMY THAT NEVER WAS: George S. Patton and the Deception of Operation FortitudeHardbound$21.95 $29.95
THE V1 FLYING BOMB CAMPAIGN 1944-1945: The Doodlebug Summer and AfterHardbound$26.95 $34.95
KIDNAP IN CRETE: The True Story of the Abduction of a Nazi GeneralHardbound$7.95 $28.00
THE BATTLE OF ITTER CASTLE 1945Hardbound$31.95 $42.95
OPERATION MALLORY MAJOR FROM BELOW: Women and Men Under a Hailstorm of BombsPaperbound$5.95 $35.00
THE LUFTWAFFE: A Study in Air Power 1933-1945Hardbound$9.95 $42.95
THE WESTERN FRONT, 1917-1918: The History of World War IPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $29.99
GERONIMO'S MEDICSPaperbound$12.95 $17.99
ANZIO: The Gamble That FailedPaperbound$6.95 $17.95
MERS EL-KEBIR 1940: Campaign 405Paperbound$17.95 $25.00
THE PANZERS OF PROKHOROVKA: The Myth of Hitler's Greatest Armoured DefeatPaperbound$16.95 $22.00
101ST AIRBORNE: Market Garden 1944Paperbound$5.95 $16.95
THE FALAISE GAP BATTLES: Normandy 1944Paperbound$5.95 $16.95
TO THE END OF THE EARTH: The US Army and the Downfall of Japan, 1945Hardbound$26.95 $35.00
STALINGRAD: The Defeat of the German 6th ArmyHardbound$14.95 $39.99
GUDERIAN 1941: The Barbarossa CampaignHardbound$27.95 $37.95
THE EASTERN FRONT: Barbarossa, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad, Bagration, BerlinPaperbound$11.95 $34.95
OPERATION BITING: The 1942 Parachute Assault to Capture Hitler's RadarHardbound$26.95 $35.00
THE HILL: The Brutal Fight for Hill 107 in the Battle of CreteHardbound$21.95 $30.00
BERLIN BLOCKADE: Soviet Chokehold and the Great Allied Airlift 1948-1949PaperboundPrice cut to $4.95 $22.95
BATTLE OF STALINGRAD: The Beginning of the End for Hitler in the EastHardbound$27.95 $36.95
UNDERWATER MUSEUMS: What Remains of WWII in the PacificHardbound$26.95 $35.00
CORREGIDOR 1945: Repossessing the RockPaperboundPrice cut to $11.95 $25.00